Beste album

1. The Arcade Fire - Funeral
2. Kanye West - The college dropout
3. Nick Cave - Abattoir blues/The lyre of Orpheus
4. Interpol - Antics
5. Modest Mouse - Good news for people who love bad news // Girls in Hawaii - From here to there
6. Blonde Redhead - Misery is a butterfly
7. Kings of Convenience - Riot on an empty street
8. Patti Smith - Trampin'
9. Sufjan Stevens - Seven swans
10. Snow Patrol - Final straw
11. TV On The Radio - Desperate youth, blood thirsty babies
12. Air - Talkie walkie
13. The Good Life - Album of the year
14. Pretty Girls Make Graves - The new romance
15. Junior Boys - Last exit
16. The Dresden Dolls - The Dresden Dolls
17. Rilo Kiley - More adventurous
18. Death From Above 1979 - You're a woman, I'm a machine
19. Gomez - Split the difference
20. The Dears - No cities left
21. Pinback - Summer in Abaddon
22. Stars - Set yourself on fire
23. Woven Hand - Consider the birds
24. Lambchop - Aw c'mon/No, you c'mon
25. Stina Nordenstam - The world is saved
26. Rogue Wave - Out of the shadow
27. Hayden - Elk-lake serenade
28. Plant Life - The return of Jack Splash
29. Nellie Mckay - Get away from me
30. Sparta - Porcelain
31. Morrissey - You are the quarry
32. Sophia - People are like seasons
33. Sonic Youth - Sonic nurse
34. Regina Spektor - Soviet kitsch
35. Wilco - A ghost is born
Al deze albums kregen een quotering van 7.5 of meer op mijn persoonlijke schaal. Er werd geen rekening gehouden met re-releases ("Smile" van Brian Wilson was een randgeval), compilaties en live-albums (bvb. Neko Case - The tigers have spoken). Albums die vorig jaar al in mijn lijstje stonden, telden ook niet mee (EITS, The Shins). Door een druk luisterschema heb ik sommige releases ook niet kunnen meepikken. Volgend jaar hoop ik er onder andere eindelijk een Mountain Goats in te smokkelen, Smintjes :)
Beste single
1. The Von Bondies - C'mon c'mon
2. Interpol - Evil
3. Scissor Sisters - Comfortably numb
4. Kings of Convenience - Homesick
5. Kanye West (ft. Mos Def, Freeway & the Harlem Boys Choir) - Two words
6. The Killers - Somebody told me
7. Beastie Boys - Open letter to NYC
8. Jay-Z - 99 problems
9. Franz Ferdinand - Take me out
10. Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell - Drop it like it's hot
Beste concert
1. TV on the Radio (4/9) - AB Club
2. Explosions in the Sky (14/5) - Botanique
3. Interpol (13/12) - AB
4. Pinback (17/7) - Dour
5. Supergrass (24/6) - Marconi Studio
6. Air (4/7) - Werchter
7. Pixies (4/7) - Werchter
8. Plant Life (5/12) - AB Club
9. Flip Kowlier (24/5) - AB
10. Lambchop (14/4) - AB
Revelaties van dit jaar
Girls in Hawaii
The Arcade Fire
Niet slecht maar overrated
Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
The Streets - A grand don't come for free
Madvillain - Madvillainy
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