vrijdag, juli 18, 2003
Blog mania
Ik vroeg deze week ff wat info over blog progs en plots begint iedereen met zijn eigen blog. Bende dieven! :)
Nuja, de Witch is een toffe aardbei dus die heb ik maar direct gelinkt *hint*
Nuja, de Witch is een toffe aardbei dus die heb ik maar direct gelinkt *hint*
The daily report
Gematigd zeeklimaat my ass! Deze nacht weer onnoemelijke keren liggen draaien en woelen . Regen, donder, bliksem, hagel, sneeuw...het maakt me allemaal niet uit, als mijn kamertemperatuur maar onder de 25° zakt voor middernacht.
Staan vandaag op de to-do list:
Staan vandaag op de to-do list:
- Programmeren (yuk!)
- Happy-hour in JH Terlinden
- Instuifke bij Tom en Chrystle
donderdag, juli 17, 2003
Bright Eyes
Niet de Sinatra-hit, wel de prachtige indie-groep van wonderkind Connor Oberst. De kerel stichtte al op zijn 14 zijn eigen recordlabel, bracht 2 albums uit met zijn groepje Commander Venus en ging na de split solo verder onder de naam Bright Eyes (soms ook bezig met zijn iets meer politiek getinte zijproject Desaparecidos). Ik heb al 1 keer de kans gehad hem live aan het werk te zien en reken maar op kippevel.
Messenger Bird's Song
The kitchen is cold but the coffee is warm. The sun is coming up. The day has just begun and you are already bored. You're bored of cheering me up, bored of calming me down, bored of drying my eyes. But there once was a time when you were the one. You were the blue of the sky. You came after the storm. You were the switch on the wall in the dark of the hall that I'm still fumbling for because I'm lost in the black. I don't know where I am. I have my arms stretched out in front and I'm calling your name just as loud as I can. And I know there are things of which we will never speak. And the questions can't be answered easily, but I want it to be easy. So just nod your head if the plans have changed. Shake it, love, if they've stayed the same. Smile at me and I will stay. Start to cry, and I'll go away. Just please, don't leave me guessing. So you made me come. Then you sent me away like a messenger bird. So I circled the earth, blown away in the wind, but I always returned with some new little song. Some sad story to tell of a brief love affair with a girl I compared to you and she failed. You said you don't want me to beg. Then said get down on your knees, because you knew that I would if I'd do any good satisfying your needs. And I know all about those things we cannot speak. And just so you know, well, they don't bother me. So you don't have to be worried. Just nod your head if the plans have changed. Shake it, love, if they stayed the same. Smile at me and I will stay. Start to cry and I'll go away. Just please don't leave me guessing. Please, don't leave me waiting.
Messenger Bird's Song
The kitchen is cold but the coffee is warm. The sun is coming up. The day has just begun and you are already bored. You're bored of cheering me up, bored of calming me down, bored of drying my eyes. But there once was a time when you were the one. You were the blue of the sky. You came after the storm. You were the switch on the wall in the dark of the hall that I'm still fumbling for because I'm lost in the black. I don't know where I am. I have my arms stretched out in front and I'm calling your name just as loud as I can. And I know there are things of which we will never speak. And the questions can't be answered easily, but I want it to be easy. So just nod your head if the plans have changed. Shake it, love, if they've stayed the same. Smile at me and I will stay. Start to cry, and I'll go away. Just please, don't leave me guessing. So you made me come. Then you sent me away like a messenger bird. So I circled the earth, blown away in the wind, but I always returned with some new little song. Some sad story to tell of a brief love affair with a girl I compared to you and she failed. You said you don't want me to beg. Then said get down on your knees, because you knew that I would if I'd do any good satisfying your needs. And I know all about those things we cannot speak. And just so you know, well, they don't bother me. So you don't have to be worried. Just nod your head if the plans have changed. Shake it, love, if they stayed the same. Smile at me and I will stay. Start to cry and I'll go away. Just please don't leave me guessing. Please, don't leave me waiting.
woensdag, juli 16, 2003
It's new, it's basic, it's here
.It's new
Na meer dan een jaar heb ik de Dragonsworn clanpage nog eens geupdate (lees: offline gehaald). Tijd om weer wat aandacht op te eisen voor mijn eigen persoontje en leefwereld.
.It's basic
Momenteel heb ik niet de tijd en de kennis om een deftig webproject op mijn eentje uit de grond te stampen dus wordt het dit weblogspul voor een tijdje. Alles is nog maar net geinstalleerd dus echt veel heb ik nog niet veranderd aan de template...things will get better eventually :)
.It's here
Na meer dan een jaar heb ik de Dragonsworn clanpage nog eens geupdate (lees: offline gehaald). Tijd om weer wat aandacht op te eisen voor mijn eigen persoontje en leefwereld.
.It's basic
Momenteel heb ik niet de tijd en de kennis om een deftig webproject op mijn eentje uit de grond te stampen dus wordt het dit weblogspul voor een tijdje. Alles is nog maar net geinstalleerd dus echt veel heb ik nog niet veranderd aan de template...things will get better eventually :)
.It's here